#elizabeth hoffman
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samueltanders · 2 years ago
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filmjunky-99 · 4 months ago
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Premier Bhavani of Barzan II [the price, s3ep8]
'As you all know, the environment on my planet is completely inhospitable to most other life forms.
The Barzan has been a society dependent on others for generations. We want that to end.
The appearance of this stable wormhole in our space provides us with our first true natural resource. We have neither the experience nor the technology to exploit it. But you do.' - bhavani
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“Catherine, hug me.” -Jack
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Didn’t we all want Catherine to give us a hug ?
RIP Elizabeth Hoffman (1927-2023) you truly were amazing.
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kwebtv · 1 year ago
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Elizabeth Hoffman (February 8, 1926 – August 21, 2023) Film and television character actress. She was best known for her regular role as Beatrice Reed Ventnor (mother of the sisters played by actresses Swoosie Kurtz, Sela Ward, Patricia Kalember and Julianne Phillips) on the NBC drama series Sisters (1991–1996).
Hoffman first appeared on television in a recurring role on Little House on the Prairie (1980–1981). In 1983, Hoffman portrayed Eleanor Roosevelt in Dan Curtis's historical miniseries The Winds of War, and subsequently reprised her role as Eleanor Roosevelt in the miniseries War and Remembrance in 1988.
Hoffman guest-starred in a number of television shows and mini-series such as Star Trek: The Next Generation, Little House on the Prairie, The Greatest American Hero and thirtysomething, and well as several movies. She also played the role of Catherine Langford in Stargate SG-1. (Wikipedia)
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sun-ni-day · 1 year ago
We lost our Catherine
Elizabeth Hoffman, our beloved Catherine Langford, passed away at the age of 97. Thank you, Elizabeth, for bringing to life mother of Stargate.
See you on the other side!
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randomcapz · 1 year ago
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Dante's Peak (1997).
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Fear No Evil
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Frank LaLoggia’s debut feature, FEAR NO EVIL (1981, Shudder) is one hot mess. It’s not as cohesive, technically accomplished or well-acted overall as his second film, LADY IN WHITE (1988). Yet there are parts of it that are thrillingly original and one performance that can stand next to the best of any in his or just about anybody’s else’s work. Like many high-schoolers, Stefan Arngrim, the kid from LAND OF THE GIANTS, seems to be the earthly reincarnation of Lucifer. Only this time he is. He’s pursued by the archangel Michael, now an aging woman (Elizabeth Hoffman, making an auspicious film debut at 54, and if anybody knows what she was doing before that, please let me know) searching for her fellow angel, who turns out to be another high-schooler (Kathleen Rowe McAllen). A lot of the school scenes seem derivative, but there’s one in the men’s showers in which the school bully (Daniel Eden) tries to bash Arngrim only to find himself stuck in a lip lock that won’t let go. This and a later scene with Eden have led some critics to label the film homophobic, but I think they’re more about bullying as a sign of misogyny and repressed homosexuality. There’s a local passion play in which Jesus really does die on the cross (how medieval), thanks to Arngrim’s magic. There’s also a beautifully staged funeral scene. But then, there are zombies whose decaying flesh has turned into corn flakes (they were forced on LaLoggia and ended up being what sold the film to a distributor). The film has some great locations, particularly Boldt Castle in Alexandria, NY. But shooting regionally on a low budget meant LaLoggia had to use some pretty poor actors (somebody needed to remind the gym teacher he was playing a human being). But then there’s Hoffman, who already has the command of the camera and characterization she would display in her later work. She makes even the worst dialog compelling and almost poetic and manages to connect with even the weakest actors. Fred Goodich did the excellent, very atmospheric camera work, while LaLoggia and David Spear composed an effective score. There’s also some great contemporary music on the soundtrack from artists like Patti Smith, The Ramones, Talking Heads, The Boomtown Rats, The B-52s and The Sex Pistols.
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haveamagicalday · 6 months ago
Duel of the American Girl Dolls: Winners!
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Elizabeth Cole's best outfit is : Riding Outfit
Cecile Ray's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Marie-Grace Gardner's best outfit is: Summer Dress
Caroline Abbott's best outfit is: Winter Coat
Nicki Hoffman's best outfit is: Red Vinyl Jumper
Isabel Hoffman's best outfit is: Year 2000 Outfit
Ruthie Smithens best outfit is: Play Outfit
Nellie O'Malley's best outfit is: Spring Party Dress
Claudie Wells best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Courtney Moore’s best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Emily Bennet's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Felicity Merriman's best outfit is: Riding Hat and Habit
Kaya's best outfit is: Pow Wow Dress
Josefina Montoya's best outfit is: Weaving Outfit
Kirsten Larson's best outfit is: Checked Dress and Shawl
Nanea Mitchell's best outfit is: Holoku Outfit
Maryellen Larkin's best outfit is: Poodle Skirt
Melody Ellison's best outfit is: Birthday Outfit
Rebecca Rubin's best outfit is: Meeting Outfit
Samantha Parkington's best oufit is: Plaid Cape and Gaiters
Molly McIntire's best outfit is: After School Party
Addy Walker's best outfit is: Tartan Plaid Dress
Kit Kittredge's best outfit is: Overalls
Julie Albright's best outfit is: Calico Dress
Ivy Ling's best outfit is: Chinese New Year Outfit
The best Truly Me Cute Dress is: Red Jumper
The best Truly Me Exploration outfit is: World Traveler in Ireland
The best collector doll is: Shimmering Silver
The best American Boy doll outfit is: Tartan Plaid Outfit
The best World by Us/Mordern Girl outfit is: Evette's Meeting Outfit
The best Truly Me Fun and Hobbies outfit is: Christmas Recital
The best Truly Me Beach Wear outfit is: Beach Outfit
The best Birthstone Collection outfit is: September Sparkling Sapphire
The best Truly Me costume is: Medival Princess
The best Girl of the Year outfit is: Kavi's Bollywood Outfit
The best Truly Me dance outfit is: Ruby Ballet
The best Truly Me winter wear is: Sugar Plum Coat
The best Truly Me casual outfit is: Plaid Skirt and Sweater
The best Truly Me bed time outfit is: Penguin and Robe
The best Truly Me sports outfit is: Ice Dancer Outfit
The best Truly Me holiday outfit is: Diwali Celebration Outfit
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widowshill · 7 months ago
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jadelotusflower · 1 year ago
RIP Elizabeth Hoffman 1927-2023
Stargate rewatch: 1x10 The Torment of Tantalus
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“Oh yeah, nothing piques my interest more than repeated failure.” lol
Shoulder pat! First one of those in a while.
The second Robert C Cooper script, and directed by Jonathan Glassner.
Catherine is such a vibe, I love her, I love her house, I love her clothes. Elizabeth Hoffman’s Catherine is less...frail than in the film, but it works for this version of the character.
lol, Daniel poking through all of Catherine’s artifacts.
Shanks really brings back the Spader-isms in his scenes with Catherine.
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I know they were replicating Daniel’s costuming from the film and he’s an academic in the late 90’s but a Look this is not.
However he is rocking the curtain bangs which seem popular right now.
So we’re six months after CotG at this point, seems about right.
There’s a timeline discrepancy with the film though - Catherine says she was 21 in 1945, but that would only make her 4 in 1928 when the Stargate was unburied.
Future Dr Carson Beckett Paul McGillion as young Ernest.
“They’re not combinations, they’re destinations, and we just found one.” Where did they find one? They didn’t use the address for Abydos found on the coverstones, it’s a separate yet similar address, but how did they know which symbols to use?
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Young Catherine is also a vibe, too good for young Earnest let’s be real.
“He chose his idea, his work, over me.” The parallel between Ernest and Daniel is explicit, but it’s odd that the parallel between Catherine and Sha’re isn’t made later in the episode when Daniel won’t leave the repository, especially when the eponymous “torment of Tantalus” is representative both of Daniel’s pursuit of knowledge beyond his reach, and his ongoing search for her.
The Norse rune Othala is used to represent the Asgard - later we’ll learn Othala is also the name of their home planet. The Othala rune represents the letter o and can mean heritage.
We also see the Ancient’s language on the wall, but they’re not identified as such yet. The other two are those of the Nox and the Furlings but it’s unclear which is which.
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“Catherine, hug me.” lol, sometimes it’s very obvious when it’s an RDA ad-lib.
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chief-of-restless-hearts · 9 months ago
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filmjunky-99 · 6 months ago
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r e m e m b e r i n g
Elizabeth Hoffman
8 February 1926 – 21 August 2023
[pic: hoffman as premier bhavani, the price, tng]
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gatutor · 9 months ago
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Dustin Hoffman-Elizabeth Wilson "El graduado" (The graduate) 1967, de Mike Nichols.
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darkshadowsshiptourney · 4 months ago
Dark Shadows Ship Tournament
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fairyysoup · 6 months ago
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i have nothing to say here i just think i'm funny. post
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Episode 672: And it was my mother's voice
Today, everyone has the memory of a goldfish. Heiress Carolyn receives a telepathic message from her mother, the apparently-dead Liz, urging her to go home to the great house of Collinwood and stay inside in order to escape a terrible danger. A few minutes later, she has apparently forgotten the content of this message, as she goes back outside to check on Liz in her coffin. During her brief…
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